Driving the energy transition with us

We want to make the world gree­ner with inno­va­tive ideas.

Driving the energy transition with us

We want to make the world gree­ner with inno­va­tive ideas.

Clean, sustainable energy is what drives us. 

wind­CORES is a brand of the com­pany West­fa­len­WIND, whose core busi­ness is the plan­ning, con­s­truc­tion and ope­ra­tion of wind energy plants. In 2015, West­fa­len­Strom GmbH was added as its own elec­tri­city sales com­pany, with which genuine green elec­tri­city from rene­wa­ble ener­gies is pro­du­ced and marketed. 

We want to make the world gree­ner with inno­va­tive ideas. Thus, with wind­CORES, an idea has grown into a brand that was awarded the Ger­man Data Centre Prize in 2019.

windCORES – for the sustainability of your company

The leadership team

“Our IT ser­vices are fas­ter than the wind!”

Dr. Fiete Dub­berke
Mana­ging Director

“Our IT ser­vices are fas­ter than the wind!”

“Can not, there is not! It’s a ques­tion of effort.”

Michael Michae­lis
Head of technology

“Can not, there is not! It’s a ques­tion of effort.”

“wind­CORES is the gree­nest CLOUD in the world for me. Sus­tainable and the coo­lest story imaginable.”

Jür­gen Veit
Head of Sales

“wind­CORES is the gree­nest CLOUD in the world for me. Sus­tainable and the coo­lest story imaginable.”


Dr. Fiete Dubberke

Mana­ging Director

“Our IT ser­vices are fas­ter than the wind!”


Michael Michaelis

Mana­ger technology

“Can’t do it, can’t do it! It’s a ques­tion of effort.”


Jürgen Veit

Head of Sales

“wind­CORES is the gree­nest CLOUD in the world for me. Sus­tainable and the coo­lest story imaginable.”



The West­fa­len-Blatt reports on rese­arch pro­ject in our windCORES

Fede­ral govern­ment funds new pro­ject of the Uni­ver­sity of Pader­born with 2.5…

Sus­tainable and hig­hest com­pu­ting power thanks to wind energy: Fede­ral govern­ment funds rese­arch pro­ject with wind­CORES participation

High-per­­for­­mance com­pu­ting (HPC) has become an important method in many sci­en­ti­fic fields,…

SPD lea­der Kut­schaty impres­sed by wind­CORES con­cept during visit

At the invi­ta­tion of the West­fa­len­WIND Group, Tho­mas Kut­schaty, the SPD state…

“Cheap elec­tri­city from rene­wa­bles must also be able to flow”: Johan­nes Lack­mann with Mar­kus Lanz on ZDF

A large num­ber of posi­tive reac­tions and con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons from all over Germany…

You­tuber Patrick Nie­der­mayer explains windCORES

You­Tuber Patrick Nie­der­mayer came across our wind­CORES con­cept through his actual job.…

Fresh breeze for our team 

We always need new com­ra­des-in-arms who are as enthu­si­a­stic as we are about dri­ving our sus­tainable and cli­mate-neu­tral wind­CORES for­ward. We offer an exci­ting, varied range of tasks and topics in a job with a future.

Sonja Schöne-Rose

Fresh breeze for our team 

We always need new com­ra­des-in-arms who are as enthu­si­a­stic as we are about dri­ving our sus­tainable and cli­mate-neu­tral wind­CORES for­ward. We offer an exci­ting, varied range of tasks and topics in a job with a future.

Sonja Schöne-Rose

How can we help you?