
Here you will find articles and videos about us in the media, current projects with customers and partners, and other information about us.


The Westfalen-Blatt reports on research project in our windCORES

Fede­ral govern­ment funds new pro­ject of the Uni­ver­sity of Pader­born with 2.5 mil­lion euros — “Im Bauch von Wind­rä­dern soll gerech­net werden” Zum Bei­trag

Sustainable and highest computing power thanks to wind energy: Federal government funds research project with windCORES participation

High-per­for­mance com­pu­ting (HPC) has become an important method in many sci­en­ti­fic fields, such as drug and cli­mate rese­arch. Howe­ver, the data cen­tres with energy-inten­sive super­com­pu­ters release quite a bit of CO2. “Energy-opti­mi­sed super­com­pu­ter net­works through the use of wind energy” (ESN4NW): Behind this title is a new, nati­on­wide joint pro­ject led by the SICP — Soft­ware Inno­va­tion Cam­pus Pader­born at the Uni­ver­sity of Pader­born. In coope­ra­tion with the SICP mem­ber com­pany West­fa­len­WIND IT and their brand wind­CORES, the idea was born to deve­lop a new HPC infra­struc­ture with a sus­tainable con­cept. The Fede­ral Minis­try of Edu­ca­tion and Rese­arch (BMBF) is ...

SPD leader Kutschaty impressed by windCORES concept during visit

At the invi­ta­tion of the West­fa­len­WIND Group, Tho­mas Kut­schaty, the SPD state chair­man and par­lia­men­tary group lea­der in the state par­lia­ment, visi­ted the energy town of Lich­tenau (Pader­born dis­trict) to find out about the situa­tion and pro­s­pects for wind energy. The muni­ci­pa­lity is regarded throug­hout the state as a prime exam­ple of how wind power expan­sion can be imple­men­ted with a high level of accep­tance in the muni­ci­pa­lity, local poli­tics and citizens. The par­ti­ci­pants first got to talk to Tho­mas Kut­schaty about the Lich­tenau suc­cess story in a rela­xed atmo­sphere at the trai­ning centre of Ener­con, Germany’s lar­gest manu­fac­tu­rer of ...

“Cheap electricity from renewables must also be able to flow”: Johannes Lackmann with Markus Lanz on ZDF

A large num­ber of posi­tive reac­tions and con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons from all over Ger­many have rea­ched the West­fa­len­WIND Group — which also includes wind­CORES — fol­lo­wing the appearance of our Mana­ging Direc­tor Johan­nes Lack­mann on the ZDF talk show “Mar­kus Lanz”. He dis­cus­sed the pro­blems with the energy tur­n­around with Fede­ral Eco­no­mics Minis­ter Robert Habeck, energy and con­s­truc­tion expert Lamia Mes­sari-Becker and host Mar­kus Lanz on the 31 Janu­ary edition. The rene­wa­ble energy tech­no­lo­gies are now mature and available, he said. If there were not a big “but”: “We are che­a­per than the fos­sil energy indus­try. Howe­ver, more fle­xi­ble tariffs and grid ...

Youtuber Patrick Niedermayer explains windCORES

You­Tuber Patrick Nie­der­mayer came across our wind­CORES con­cept through his actual job. He was so enthu­si­a­stic about the idea of buil­ding sus­tainable data cen­tres in wind tur­bi­nes that he imme­dia­tely made a video about it. We think it’s great! Zum Video

Zattoo & windCORES: The future of television is climate-neutral

Since 2020, the TV strea­ming ser­vice pro­vi­der zat­too has been using our wind­CORES data centre in one of our wind tur­bi­nes. Due to the direct sup­ply of clean wind power, strea­ming cau­ses signi­fi­cantly less CO2 than would be the case in a usual data centre. This pro­ject is a real inno­va­tion and uni­que in the world. To the video

Together with Westfalenwind, Zattoo is working on the climate-neutral television of the future

As of today, the first con­tent of the TV strea­ming pro­vi­der is run­ning via its own data centre directly in a wind tur­bine. A joint coope­ra­tion bet­ween Zat­too and West­fa­len­WIND now shows that cli­mate-fri­endly strea­ming is pos­si­ble. Through the wind farm operator’s green IT pro­ject wind­CORES, the TV strea­ming pro­vi­der Zat­too is brin­ging its data centre directly into a wind tur­bine. As of today, the first con­tent from the TV strea­ming pro­vi­der is run­ning via this inno­va­tive data centre. Zat­too and West­fa­len­WIND are taking on a pio­nee­ring role with this joint coope­ra­tion. As far as is known, this pro­ject is ...

Lathnan Safe Sky and windCORES cooperate for sustainable BNK system

With sus­taina­bi­lity for a safe and dark sky. Wall­dorf, Pader­born, 01 Octo­ber 2020 The retro­fit­ting of wind farms with the so-cal­led demand-based night mar­king (BNK) is making great stri­des. This should be good news for the resi­dents of wind farms. Because: the new tech­no­logy redu­ces the nightly red flas­hing of the wind tur­bi­nes by up to 98 per­cent, because the signal lights are only acti­va­ted when an air­craft approa­ches the wind farm. The pio­neer and one of the lea­ding sup­pli­ers of this tech­no­logy is the com­pany Lan­than Safe Sky. In deve­lo­ping the sys­tem, the com­pany fol­lo­wed a sus­tainable approach right from the ...

Backup webinar LIVE from the windCORES

No com­pany can afford long down­ti­mes. Tog­e­ther with Rubrik Inc., Cris­tie Data deve­lops highly available and secure backup and dis­as­ter reco­very-as-a-ser­vice solu­ti­ons for medium-sized com­pa­nies. Both com­pa­nies attach great importance to speed. And this is where the wind­CORES come into play — thanks to their red­un­dant high-speed connections. On 13 Octo­ber from 10 a.m., Marco Vögele, expert for data manage­ment solu­ti­ons at Cris­tie Data GmbH, Dr. Fiete Dub­berke, Mana­ging Direc­tor of West­fa­len­WIND IT, and Tobias Baum, Chan­nel Sys­tem Engi­neer at Rubrik, will pre­sent the invul­nerable data sto­rages and demons­trate live the reco­very of sys­tems from Stock­holm and Niedernberg. The web­i­nar ...

German Data Centre Award 2019 goes to Paderborn

“WINDCORES”-PROJECT OF WESTFALENWIND IT GMBH AND SICP RECEIVED MULTIPLE AWARDS The Ger­man Data Centre Prize gives visi­bi­lity to for­ward-loo­king and visio­nary tech­no­lo­gies that increase the energy effi­ci­ency of data cen­tres. The DRZP is con­side­red the most pres­ti­gious award in the indus­try. West­fa­len­WIND IT Mana­ging Direc­tor Dr Fiete Dub­berke was cor­re­spon­din­gly deligh­ted when he held the cove­ted tro­phy in his hands at the award cerem­ony. “The fact that we were nomi­na­ted twice in our first par­ti­ci­pa­tion in the DRZP and won a vic­tory and a second place at the same time is alre­ady over­whel­ming — thanks to all supporters!”. The Ger­man ...

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