
Data secu­rity from Ger­many. Pro­tec­ted by rein­forced con­crete. The­r­e­fore, abso­lut­ely safe.


Data secu­rity from Ger­many. Pro­tec­ted by rein­forced con­crete and red­un­dancy. The­r­e­fore, abso­lut­ely safe.

Our data centers meet the highest security standards.

From both a data pro­tec­tion and con­s­truc­tion per­spec­tive, your IT is in abso­lut­ely safe hands with us. The 24/​7 pro­perty pro­tec­tion by our secu­rity ser­vice pre­vents unwan­ted access and the buil­ding is pro­tec­ted by rein­forced con­crete and the best technology. 

Hosted in Germany

We offer you data pro­tec­tion made in Ger­many. Our ser­ver is not loca­ted in the USA or else­where, but is ope­ra­ted here on site by us as a medium-sized con­trac­tual part­ner. With all the bene­fits included.

Redundancy – technical,
geological and digital

p>All safety-rela­ted com­pon­ents are dupli­ca­ted — if one com­po­nent fails, all safety func­tions are maintained.

Data is always stored in two or more loca­ti­ons in a data­base or data sto­rage sys­tem, or in mul­ti­ple geo­gra­phi­cally remote systems.

Fire, water and overheating protection

Our buil­ding struc­ture is fire­proof and water­proof; we use non-com­bus­ti­ble mate­ri­als in the inte­rior. In addi­tion, we ope­rate an effec­tive coo­ling and power sup­ply sys­tem with emer­gency power supply. 

Protected by reinforced concrete

30-cen­ti­me­ter-thick rein­forced con­crete walls pro­tect what’s important to you: Your data. A steel door that is just as 30 cen­ti­me­ters thick and weighs tons denies out­si­ders access and turns the wind tur­bine into a high-secu­rity wing.

Data security in accordance with ISO 27001

Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion to ISO 27001 con­firms the effec­ti­ve­ness of our infor­ma­tion secu­rity manage­ment sys­tem (ISMS) accor­ding to glo­bally reco­gni­zed standards.

Of course, the EU-wide gui­de­lines accor­ding to DSGVO are also ensu­red. Our data cen­ters are also built to Tier III/​VK 3 TÜV standards.

power supply

What hap­pens if the wind does not blow? Then we get the elec­tri­city for our wind­CORES from other wind farms, or from solar and hydro­elec­tric power plants.

Decentralized location of the data centers

It is not pos­si­ble to see from the out­side of a wind tur­bine whe­ther it is also being used as a data cen­ter. Thus, the hid­den loca­tion is also an important fac­tor for the secu­rity of your data.

Our windCORES expert

You want to make your IT sus­tainable and the
wind­CORES con­cept has arou­sed your inte­rest? I look for­ward to hea­ring from you. 

Daniel Peitz

Our windCORES expert

You want to make your IT sus­tainable and the
wind­CORES con­cept has arou­sed your inte­rest? I look for­ward to hea­ring from you.

Daniel Peitz

How can we help you?